Angelfall: Susan Ee's bok blir film!~
Susan Ee's bok Angelfall kommer troligtvis att bli till film. Boken har fått väldigt bra kritik och av 319 röster har boken sammanlagt fått 4,5 stjärna. Såhär säger Susan när hon pratar med SugarScape:
SugarScape: Oh and we have to talk about the kind of movie adaption as well? It must be exciting having Sam Raimi on board.
Susan Ee: He’s actually involved as a producer. So it’s going to be Rob Tapper and Sam Raimi and it’s very exciting.
SugarScape: How’s it going? Anything kind of happening yet or?
Susan Ee: Yes, things are happening. It’s percolating but it’s amazing how secretive Hollywood could be. I’m under strict orders not to give out any information. What’s interesting is that when Hollywood is ready, they’re ready, they want everyone to know about all the gossip but up until that point, it’s a very hush hush.